O.R.S Sport Hydration Tablets Orange

VAT included

O.R.S Hydration Tablets X 20 Orange

I understand that this product should be used in accordance to the information leaflet provided . I can confirm that i am over 18. I agree to be contacted by a member of staff if there is any queries in relation to this product .

Only one item of O.R.S Sport Hydration Tablets Orange can be purchased per transaction

Secured and Trusted


2 to 4 Working Day(s)


Returns within 30-Days

O.R.S Sport can be added to water for a low-calorie electrolyte mix that allows your body to quickly absorb fluid and restore  optimum hydration.  The formula is based on the World Health Organisations's oral rehydration salts formula with added magnesium and vitamin D to help reduce fatique and support normal muscle function.


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